
The wages and general working conditions of journalists
and other media staff are appropriate to discourage

The salary is low and do not spare journalists from temptation. In
the public media, freelancers (a bachelor university degree as a
minimum qualification) only earn a basic salary (30 000 Fcfa). There
were moves to adopt a particular status of public media specialists. Unfortunately this was not successful. From January 2008 the
NORTV’s staff will discuss the signing a collective agreement. Presently public servant journalists receive an allowance of 50 000 Fcfa.
The newly recruited journalists receive about 100 000 Fcfa each.
Private radios have sometimes to many staff members which makes
it difficult to take care of. The status of private radios need to be
clarified (radio associations, community and commercial radios) in
order to establish a proper salary scale for the permanent staff of
these radios.
In some private radio stations, human resources management by
those in charge have created difficulties. The level of salaries does
not discourage corruption but there is a minimum that can help
those that want to resist it. In the private written media a collective agreement was signed. It is expected to be implemented in
January 2008; this convention will help to improve the situation of
the employees of private newspapers. This has been taken together
with private radio stations which withdrew later; there is a strong
possibility that private radios become members of this collective
agreement in the near future.
Individual grades:

2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3




The African Media Barometer (AMB) - Chad 2007

Select target paragraph3