Sector 3:


The audio-visual media regulation is transparent
and independent; the state media is being
transformed into a real public service audio-visual

The audio-visual media is regulated by an independent
body which is sufficiently protected against all
interference, particularly political and economic.

In Chad, the audio-visual media is regulated by the High Meida
Council (HMC). In terms of the law, this is an administrative authority independent from the political power. Its objective is to watch
over the respect of the deontological rules in regard to information
and communication; to protect the freedom of media and plural expression of opinions; to regulate communication among the public
authorities, media and the public; to assure political parties equal
access to public media; to guarantee equitable access to public media by associations; to provide technical advice, recommendations
on questions related to the information field (art. 186 of the constitution). It has autonomy in the managing of allocations given to it in
accordance with financial laws (art 20 of the decree nr. 450 stipulating organization and functioning of HMC). However, disbursement
of these resources, though allowed by the ministry of finance, is
sometimes slow and difficult. This can be perceived as a type of
interference by the public authorities in the media functioning. The
HMC exists since 1994 but in practice has not been independent in
its functioning; the new team that assume office in May 2007 has
not revealed any signs of competence.

The African Media Barometer (AMB) - Chad 2007


Select target paragraph3