4.8 Equal opportunities regardless of race or ethnicity,
social group, gender/sex, religion, disabilities and
age are promoted in media houses
One panellist mentioned a study which establishes that female journalists
worked in TV more than in any other media. This was considered to be due to
the preference of most female journalists for TV and might partly explain why
there are fewer women in newspaper editorial positions. There is also a disparity
between the beats or subjects covered by women and those left to men. In
general, women are considered to be more interested in social and cultural
issues, whereas men are generally responsible for covering politics, economics
and sports.
There is no policy to promote gender equity in the media: the observed trend is
the result of passive processes. However, it should be noted that fewer women
hold positions of responsibility in the media, which could be the result of
gender-based discrimination. Most media owners are men and in the absence
of clear gender equity policies, decisions are shaped by dominant male views.
The socio-cultural context is also to blame. Women are still widely considered
weak, preoccupied with domestic and family chores and unable to work for as
many hours as men do. Despite the observed increase in the number of women
enrolled in journalism schools, few of them find themselves in newsrooms and
even fewer reach the highest positions in the profession.
Discrimination based on religion is more visible in religious media, which only
recruit from within their disciples. For example, Radio Maranatha only hires
evangelicals. A network of catholic journalists only elects members who have
been married in the church to its executive council.
State media is relatively more diverse and tries to give men and women the
same opportunities. They reflect government policies on integrating a specific
perspective on gender equity, social inclusion and equal opportunities for all
genders and all ethnic groups.

Individual scores:



Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator









Average score:

3.5 (2007 = n/a; 2009 = 4.1; 2011 = 3.3; 2014 = 3.7)

Overall Score for Sector 4:



Select target paragraph3