4.7 Media professionals have access to training
facilities offering formal qualification programmes
as well as opportunities to upgrade skills
Training opportunities for journalists in Benin have increased over the years. The
National School of Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques at
the University of Abomey-Calavi is one of the main training centres. Journalism
training is also offered by a growing number of private training institutions that
have been authorised in recent years. Among the most renown are the Higher
Institute for Broadcasting Professions; the Higher School of Administration,
Economics, Journalism and Broadcasting Professions; the Higher School
of Commerce and Management; the Higher Institute for Information and
Communication and the SONOU Courses. A good number of Beninese students
still pursue journalism training abroad, particularly in Senegal and in some
European countries.
Continuous education opportunities are also available for practising journalists.
During the last four years, an initiative known as Café Media Plus has been
organising weekly professional meetings to improve journalists’ skills and keep
them abreast of developments in their profession. From time to time, donorfunded seminars provide specialised and thematic training for journalists in the
form of seminars and workshops, both in Benin and abroad. Some initiatives
have led to the production of manuals and handbooks (including some on safety)
that journalists continue to use daily. These efforts complement in-house training
and mentoring for junior journalists that enable them to learn from their more
experienced colleagues.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:










3.6 (2007 = 5.0; 2009 = 4.9; 2011 = 3.3; 2014 = 3.4)

Select target paragraph3