Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:





3.4 (2007 = n/a; 2009 = n/a; 2011 = n/a; 2014 = 3.6)

2.11 The country has a coherent ICT policy and/or the
government implements promotional measures,
which aim to meet the information needs of all
citizens; including marginalised communities
The Digital Code is the main law on ICT in Benin. This law seeks to govern:

activities related to electronic communication networks and services;


electronic tools;


trusted services in the digital economy;




the protection of personal data; and


cybercrime and cyber security.

Efforts are being made to promote the use of ICTs. The authorities have thus
created community multimedia centres offering citizens training on and access
to ICTs. In addition, computers and computing hardware in general, are imported
into the country tax-free in order to keep prices low.
Despite these positive developments, citizens complain that actions in the ICT
sector are fragmented. The country has already spent billions of CFA francs
installing a fibre optic network, but national coverage remains below 10%. Work
is underway to connect the entire country with fibre optics.
A plan to increase the access cost to the internet was dropped following massive
opposition. The government had issued an order in July 2018 that increased the
cost of electronic communication through the introduction of a tax in the form
of a contribution, for the usage of electronic communication services provided
by open access networks in the Republic of Benin. In September 2018, following
strong popular protest, the government suspended the decree. However, the
cost of electronic communication has still increased through a decision to review
the tariff, which was taken at the end of November 2018 by the authority in



Select target paragraph3