In cases where these obligations have been breached, the HAAC reprimands
the defaulting media outlet and if necessary, imposes penalties in line with the
provisions of the law creating the Broadcasting and Communication Authority.
For strictly editorial and economic reasons, news media produce content that
covers a wide range of sectors. Young journalists are becoming increasingly
specialised. However, the coverage of politics and society is still dominant over
other beats.
Conditions on the ground are favourable to investigative journalism.
Nevertheless, there are still several hurdles – one of them being poor access
to public sources of information. In addition, conditions in media outlets are
not conducive to investigative journalism. According to a panellist, with political
news and major corruption scandals among the most read news stories, the
profitability of investigative articles becomes a major issue. A few newspapers
specialising in investigative journalism were forced to switch to spot reporting
to stay in business.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:






2.3 (2007 = 3.9; 2009 = 3.3; 2011 = 3.3; 2014 = 2.5)

2.10 Private broadcasters deliver a minimum of quality
public interest programmes
Opinions differ as to the quality of private broadcasting programmes and
Critics argue that private media serve a narrow economic interest and lack the
will and the means to cover topics of public interest. Some owners let their
political views dictate their editorial content, as well as their choice of guests and
sources of information. Others, unable to bear the cost of production, fill the
airwaves with foreign music and film productions.
Those who favourably rate private radio broadcasters note that the latter do a
better job than their competitors in the public media. Even with limited resources,
the private media produce programmes of higher quality than the public media:
they have democratised access to the media by opening their airwaves for people
to ‘empty themselves’.



Select target paragraph3