The way forward
1. What were the developments in the media
environment in the last two /three years?
Positive developments
1. The Media Council of Tanzania assisted by the Tanzanian Media Fund are
taking a more proactive role in skills training for journalists, and educating
the public on the complaints procedure
2. The media fraternity is taking a more active role in educating the public
about the constitutional reform process
3. The establishment of the Tanzanian Editors’ Forum
4. Media fraternity is more united on reporting issues and at times presents
a united voice on fighting for media rights
5. The two bills-in-waiting (Access to Information and Media Services) have
not yet been passed but are still in the process of becoming laws
6. Increased efforts by civil society organisations and the media to educate
people on the rights to access information
Negative developments
1. Government still using draconian laws to clamp down on freedom of
expression and any media that does not ‘toe the line’
2. Harassment and hostility displayed by district officials towards journalists
3. Chairperson of the Tanzanian Editors’ Forum and a journalist from
Mwanachi arrested on charges of sedition

2. What kinds of activities are needed over the
next two years?
1. The defunct Tanzania Union of Journalists must be resuscitated – MISA
will lead this process
2. Increased pressure must be exerted to push for the two media bills to be
enacted – Media Council of Tanzania
3. Media must unite and lobby so that issues that affect the media are taken
on board in the new constitution – MCT/ Legal and Human Rights
4. Conduct a media training needs assessment and an audit of what media
skills exist – MISA/ School of Journalism and Mass Communication,
St. Augustine University
5. Ensure enforcement of the MCT code of ethics – MCT



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