3.9 The state/public broadcaster offers diverse programming formats for all interests.
Some panellists felt that the state broadcasters did offer various programmes to
suit all interests.
“Throughout the day, there is a wide variety on TBC and TBC 1. Depending on
the time of day, you can watch programmes aimed at different sectors of the
population: women, youth etc.”
Others were unhappy with the fact that TBC 1 ‘uses precious airtime’ to broadcast
foreign news feeds, including Russia Today on TBC 1 for an hour from 8 am each
day. Another panellist noted that this was due to a lack of funds and the fact that
Russia Today pays TBC for the airtime. Other people felt that this was a positive
move as it granted people, who did not have other access a chance to view
foreign content and be exposed to alternative viewpoints.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.6 (2010 = 4.0; 2008 = 4.3; 2006 = 3.9)

3.10 The state/public broadcaster offers balanced and
fair information in news and current affairs, reflecting
the full spectrum of diverse views and opinions.
There was consensus that the state broadcasters failed to offer balanced and fair
news and current affairs programming. The bias towards the government was
very clear. Mention was made of a programme on ‘The Right to Strike’, which
involved input from the Legal and Human Rights Centre and the Trade Union
Congress of Tanzania. Recorded months ago, this programme has still not been
aired. “We keep waiting for Jesus to come,” commented a frustrated panellist.
“If TBC does not like the content, they won’t air the programme. Although the
TBC Act states that this broadcasting service should be offered to all, regardless



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