Such international declarations and protocols are not commonly known among
the country’s citizens and the government does not make an effort to publicise
their contents.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.3 (2010 = 2.2; 2008 = n/a; 2006 = n/a)

1.5 Print publications are not required to obtain permission to publish from state authorities.
All print publications – even newsletters – are required to register with the state
Registrar of Newspapers as well as the Postmaster General prior to publication,
in accordance with the Newspaper Act of 1976, which is applicable only on the
mainland and not in Zanzibar. Failure to comply with this law could result in
the imposition of a fine and a jail sentence of up to four years. Owners of such
publications must also pay a bond to the state, to cover any costs necessary in
the event of the publication being sued for libel, for example. The Minister of
Information, Youth, Culture and Sports is responsible for determining the amount
of this bond and this differs for each publication.
There have been no cases within the last two years of a print publication being
declined publication rights, although this has happened in the past, and in general
the Newspaper Act does not appear to prohibit or limit the establishment of print
publication businesses.1
Zanzibar has an even more restrictive law, the Registration of News Agents,
Newspapers and Books Act of 1988, which stipulates the licensing of journalists
and the establishment of a state advisory board to oversee the private print media.



While writing of the report was in progress, MwanaHalisi weekly investigative newspaper was banned indefinitely
with effect from 30 July 2012 for allegedly publishing seditious material in its three last consecutive issues – July
11-18, 2012; July 18-24, 2012 and July 25-01 August 2012. In 2008, the same publication was suspended by the
government for 90 days.


Select target paragraph3