often inaccurate. Newspapers tend to publish articles slanted in favour of the owners of the newspaper. The media tends to dominantly focus on political news, followed by sports. There is freedom of expression on internet although Tanzanians have not embraced the internet as a source of news but use it more for research or study purposes. However, after realization of the situation, MISA Tanzania decided to establish internet training for journalists in all regions to ensure internet is also used as a source of news. Media houses have in the last two years made efforts to adopt a gender code of ethics developed by the Gender Media in Southern Africa Tanzania Network (GEMSAT). The Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) also has a code of ethics, with a specific section on gender, and which is available to the media. The MCT enjoys the support of the media houses in Tanzania and generally the rate of compliance with MCT directives can be said to be 95 per cent. It is important to note that on May 3, 2012, the Media Owners Association of Tanzania (MOAT) agreed on its own code of conduct and that there must be a separation between owners and journalists, with owners not interfering in editorial matters. It remains to be seen whether this will be adhered to. In terms of Ad-spend (advertising expenditure), Tanzanian media operate in a very competitive environment where the pool of advertising revenue is not sufficient to support a diverse media industry. Community radio stations are funded by advertising from municipalities and businesses, as well as the Tanzania Media Fund, UNESCO and other donors. In terms of employment policies, there is generally equal employment opportunities in media houses although people with disabilities remain on the fringes and not many newsrooms employ them. There is also lack of human resource policies, salary scales or permanent employment to protect most journalists in Tanzania. This has motivated stakeholders to establish the Media Services Bill which will ensure the fate of journalists and media workers are catered for. MISA Tanzania is also collaborating with Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (TUCTA) which has been entrusted to revamp the Tanzania Union of Journalists (TUJ). AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER TANZANIA 2012 9