Programme E:

Programme E:

Legal Support

Programme E focuses on MISA’s Legal
Defence Fund. The strategic aim of
Programme E is to support media
organisations and journalists with legal
fees and advice in times of need. This
support is done on the basis that most
cases brought against the media are
motivated by the desire to silence the
media. Without outside support, media
and freedom of expression rights can
be violated under the guise of legal
suits. This programme works closely
with Programme B especially the SADC
Journalists under Fire Campaign. In
the year under reporting, MISA assisted
a number of media organisations and
journalists who faced legal challenges.
In some environments as Zimbabwe the
continued arrests of journalists also
means that MISA has to take a leading
role in strategic litigation to forestall
future arrests and harassment.


Thabo Thakalekoala who stood accused of
sedition. The cases ended with a victory
as he was fined an insignificant amount
of money and received a suspended
In Zimbabwe MISA-Zimbabwe assisted 19
media workers with legal fees and legal
representation. Key cases included that
of Journalists Franck Chikowore who had
charges drooped after spending weeks
in police custody, Journalists Brian
Hungwe was assisted by MISA-Zimbabwe
to challenge the constitutionality of a
law barring him for working for a foreign
media organisation. This case was won in
court meaning that other journalists were
saved this ordeal. In Zimbabwe MISA also
mobilised support for arrested journalists
Addrisson Manyere.
In Zambia three cases were settled with
the support of the MISA-Zambia Media
Legal defence Fund. In Malawi two cases
were supported under the Media Defence

In Lesotho MISA succeeded in supporting
its former chairperson and broadcaster,


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