MISA has partnered with other organisations on the continent to lobby for an African platform on Access to information at the 20th Anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration on Press Freedom in 2011. MISA regional is the secretariat for the campaign for more details a website www.windhoekplus20.org has been developed specifically for this project. Programme B: Media Freedom Monitoring and Research Zimbabwe has equally run a sustained grassroots campaign using popular arts such as theatre to popularise access to information resulting in an increased public understanding on access to information. IMPACT The perception by civil society and the public of Access to Information as a right only affecting the media is quickly changing. There is a growing understanding of Access to Information by policymakers, civil society and public alike. This is the case especially in countries were MISA has run sustained and consistent campaigns. Zambia has in the last two years run a Challenges Funding and high staff turn-over both at national and regional level 30 SOMALIA, Mogadishu : FILES African Union peacekeepers take cover 15 May 2007 as two Somali photographers point their cameras towards the site where the troops were detonating seized ammunition in Mogadishu.. AFP Program B daily phone-in radio and weekly television programme “meet the press’ in which access to information has been discussed and deconstructed to make it relevant for the ordinary citizen. In addition to the above, MISA has lobbied and made presentation to the constitutional review commission to make Access to Information a constitutional right. In Mozambique the MISA draft Access to Information law has been taken up by the government and is undergoing discussion with a possibility that it will be adopted as the national law. institutions who before the research could not respond to information request, Tanzania is one such country in which public institutions are responding in as little as two days.