Developments since 2008 and the Way
Negative trends in the last three years

Media legislation stalled: There is no progress whatsoever in the development
of the Right to Information Bill and the Broadcasting Bill.
Public broadcasting reform stalled: There is no development whatsoever in
regard to the transformation of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation into a
truly public broadcasting service.
Journalistic professional standards are slipping:
- over-concentration in all media on politics and neglect of most other
topics that affect the public;
- lack of coverage of local communities;
- main objective of mainstream media is to make money; this has resulted
in a trend towards sensationalism and the emergence of too many tabloid
formats in the print media;
- main objective of many smaller media houses is only to disseminate
ideological positions;
- trading of insults in radio talks shows;
- growing number of breaches of codes of professional standards.

Positive trends in the last three years




More media houses: The increase in the number of media outlets is having a
positive impact on
- pluralism of voices and views on more diverse channels;
- opportunities for journalists to be employed;
- degree of professionalism because of more competition in the labour
Quality of journalism has improved in a number of respects:
- journalists are more fearless;
- there are more critical and in-depth stories;
- more specialization of journalists covering areas such as human rights,
women’s rights issues, decentralisation, climate change or the oil and gas
- female journalists have moved beyond covering women’s issues only.
More training opportunities: The number of training institutions for
journalists has increased and there is a wider variety of training programmes
at different levels of certification.


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