The media practise high levels of
professional standards.
The media follow voluntary codes of professional
standards, which are enforced by self–regulatory
bodies that deal with complaints from the public.
The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) has a code of professional ethics for
media houses and individuals, which is currently under review in order to update it.
Many journalists do not know about the existence of the code let alone its content
and its application. About half of the print media operate without any recourse
to the GJA code of ethics, or any other code for that matter, and act as a “freerange kind of media”. Those journalists who have had training in journalism seem
to know the code and tend to adhere to it more than those without any formal
professional training. To enforce the code GJA has an Ethics and Disciplinary
Council that deals with complaints from the public.
Major media houses either have their own codes or are following the GJA
standards or both. The Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) has its own code
and adherence to these guidelines is rated as very good. The Ghana Independent
Broadcasters Association (GIBA) also has its own code of ethics, which is used in
conjunction with the GJA’s code of conduct. In cases of serious breaches of these
codes, the offending radio station can be expelled from the association – quite a
severe sanction as GIBA offers a range of business opportunities which are vital
for its members. Unfortunately only 116 out of the 160 private radio stations
operating in Ghana are members of GIBA and those who opted to stay outside
cannot be called to order by the association. The private television stations on
the other hand operate with extreme caution and follow high levels of standards,
which make them more compliant with the codes.
The Daily Graphic has its own in-house Code of Professional Ethics and the
Ghanaian Times follows GJA’s code. Though retractions are rare, both papers do
publish them when necessary.
The statutory National Media Commission has the mandate
… to ensure the establishment and maintenance of the highest journalistic
standards in the mass media, including the investigation, mediation and
settlement of complaints made against or by the press or other mass media
(Article 167 (b) 1992 Constitution).



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