The Commission must provide reasons that support the order or recommendations made. A
report of the findings of the Commission must accompany the order or recommendations
made by the Commission.
If at the conclusion of a hearing, the Commission comes up with recommendations, such
recommendations must be included in the Commission’s report of the matter. A copy of the
report must be submitted to the Minister responsible for administering the Zimbabwe
Media Commission law. Section 14 (3) states that the Commission has power to recommend
the payment of compensation to any party prejudiced by a media rights violation. The
Commission may also recommend that the complainant or victim seeks redress through the
Section 13 deals with the enforcement of orders made by the Commission. According to
Section 13 (1), persons and entities against whom an order is made must effect the order
within 14 days of the order being made. If there is no action within 14 days from the time
the order is given, the Commission may apply to the High Court for appropriate redress on
the matter or submit a special report through the appropriate Minister, to Parliament.
Interestingly, Section 15 (1) of the Bill empowers the Commission to institute court
proceedings for the redress of media rights violations. In this role, the Commission may
take part in legal proceedings, including legal proceedings against the State and other State
Persons aggrieved by decisions made by the Commission may, in terms of Section 16 (1) of
the Bill appeal the decision at the High Court within 30 days of the date of the order,
recommendation, or finding.

Observations and Recommendations
Government has made a positive step in promulgating a law that clarifies the operational
guidelines for the ZMC. This law is likely to make the Commission a more efficient and
effective institution. However, in its present state and with the significant flaws that
constitute parts of the Draft Bill, the proposed law could lead to the pollution of the
operating environment of the media.


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