The media cover the full spectrum of events,
issues and cultures, including business/economics,
cultural, local and investigative stories.
Business and economics reporting remains very poor, partly because businesses are
unwilling to provide the media with information, for fear of the media trying to
expose their negative elements. Government structures such as the Central Bank
take a similar approach. “Commercial banks only started having public relations
officers in the last few years. But we are getting there in terms of business and
economics reporting.”
Meanwhile, investigative journalism is poor “across the spectrum”, as is the
coverage of ethnic minorities. “The Basotho is a homogenous
nation. We share many cultural and social values. But we do have
minorities who are not represented in the media.”

“...politics is on
the front page
and the third
page. Other
issues come
later on.”

News content is dominated by politics. “Politics makes news in
Lesotho more than in many countries,” a panellist posited. Other
sectors suffer as a result of this preoccupation with politics. One
panellist felt that this was simply an impression created by the
fact that political coverage tends to be prioritized. “There is a
variety of issues covered in the media, it’s just that politics takes
the spotlight - politics is on the front page and the third page.
Other issues come later on.”

Panellists spoke of “an urban/rural divide”, with media coverage focused mostly on
urban areas. Meanwhile, religious stations try to focus on more than just religion.
“If we only focused on religion we would lose our listeners,” a panellist explained.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			



3.7 (2008 = 2.0; 2006 = 4.0)

Select target paragraph3