the search warrant that had been issued to search a private home of an
individual by authorities in the chase for the former Proprietor Dr. M’membe or
any documents that might have helped the state further implicate him in more
wrong doing. Under such massive pressure and harassment, it was not surprising
to see the actions of the accused when confronted by state agents with court
documents. This kind of actions just frustrates the media’s operations and makes
it harder for them to properly execute the news dissemination functions in a
tranquil, and more ideal environment. However, it is always seen to have
become a trend and strategy in the recent past to unsettle the media and
continuously disturb their operations to try and drown out their voice and their
noble work of being a fourth estate that holds public office holders to account.
It’s no wonder sections within the public have continued to call on the judicially
to reign in on such matters and bring sanity back in the way they are being
executed. Once such notable sentiment came from a respected academician
Dr. Samuel Sakanya who called on the Chief Justice and the Anti-Corruption
Commission to respond and give guidance on the allegations of corruption
raised against Judge Sunday Nkonde as their silence had not helped matters.
He observed that “Pertinent concerns have been raised, with serious allegations
against judge Nkonde. Why are people dragging their feet over these issues and
getting extremely worried with the conduct of these institutions involved? When
there is such a situation, people are left to speculate that they might not be
acting supposedly because of some control somewhere by someone with
leverage. We want to see justice and fairness and that can only be done by the
very office-bearers in the judiciary and the ACC. What we are asking for are
answers and as concerned citizens, we have rights to question the conduct of
the judiciary and demand justice,”2
This is after Dr. Musumali and Dr. M’membe separately wrote to the ACC and the
Chief Justice respectively concerning the way the legal matters and the



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