1.0 Methodology
The research for the Second Quarter, 2017, State of the Media Report used a
number of scientific research methods that included content analysis, discourse
analysis and in-depth interviews. This helped in triangulating the data findings in
order to make sound deductions and observations of the media landscape as it
obtained in the period under review. The data was sampled using the purposive
random sampling method. This ensured that there were no biases or skewedness
in the data and consequently the research findings.
The content analysis method was used to identify common themes and
elements that constituted the composition of media content during the quarter.
This helped to create a picture that shows how the media performed in terms of
the focus and diversity of their content. Further, the data gathered as such gave
insights on the various media-related issues that occurred and either directly or
indirectly impacted on the media, journalists and their smooth undertaking of
their journalistic duties.
The in-depth interviews, IDIs on the other hand were used to get the perceptions
from the media fraternity and a select number of individual practitioners. This
involved the use of in-depth interview guides that augmented the findings so as
to give the report a richer understanding of the dynamics affecting the media
during the review period.


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