the Electronic Commerce Bill and Data Protection Bill. “Mr. Mushimba said once
passed into laws the Bills will have enough teeth to bite the abusers of social
media, we hope so”. “We appeal to the members of Parliament to support these
bills because they will benefit the country”.
The Minister of Transport and Communication Brian Mushimba said government
was expected to have a blue print to guide the establishment of a cyber security
unit aimed at protecting the country against cyber attacks during the quarter
under review. The minister said government was in a process of establishing a
cyber security institute to prevent cyber attacks, especially as the country is
digitalizing its economy. He said this when Cyber Security for Government
(CyGov) chief strategy officer Eli Ben-Meir called on him at his office. CyGov is
an Israeli leading cyber security advisory which has pledged to share knowledge
and skills that can enhance cyber security in Zambia.23 Online media has come
under serious threats in the name of national security. The rising of citizen
journalism seems not to be sitting well with the current government which from
research and in-depth interviews with experts suggests that the current
government is the worst when it comes to them accommodating divergent
views or opposing views from other stakeholders and people in general. Zambia
belong to the people and not the Political Party in power, and so it is hoped that
the Bills to be tabled in parliament are just not meant to completely shut down
online media platforms that are widely used by those on the line of rail to access
7.0 Media alerts and communiqués in the2ndquarter 2017

11th May 2017 (The Mast Newspaper)

Media freedom
Press freedom a fundamental right
Press Freedom is a fundamental right as it enables sharing of critical information
that others may not want to listen to said Copperbelt police commissioner
Charity Katanga. Giving a talk to journalism students at Mindolo Ecumenical
23 Daily Nation 16th May , 2017

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