3.3.1 ATI law progress
The long wait for the tabling and enactment of the draft ATI Bill continued in the
period under review. It was reported during the first quarter that despite the
challenges the media was facing, government expressed confidence that the
long-drawn out ATI bill enactment would recommence. This was after assurances
were given by Minister of Justice Given Lubinda that his Ministry was ready to let
the public to have a look at the bill. He’s statement was seen as hope the reactivation of a process that has been dragging on since the early 2000’s without
its logical conclusion in sight.
However, since the message of hope was delivered by the minister, not much
has been to give an indication that the process would shape and as such some
stakeholders aired their concerns of the delayed process.
The Born Short Living Tall (BSLT) organisation challenged government to walk the
talk and expedite the enactment of the Access to Information bill to strengthen
accountability and enhance the effectiveness of democratic participation. BSLT
Executive Director Ntalasha Chisha said that it is a well-known fact that the ATI
Bill is a great weapon to fight corruption and that the organisation has observed
with concern how some government contracts especially in the construction
sector have allegedly been dubiously awarded to incapable contractors, who in
turn produce substandard work.
“ As an organisation concerned with the wellbeing of Zambians and the
development of the country, we feel if enacted, the ATI Bill will bring about
openness in relation to civil servants operations, transparency in public
procurement and management of the public resources. As such we wish to
remind government that providing the nation with this much needed bill will
increase citizen participation in national issues based on informed points of view.
The executive director called on the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Services in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice to make the contents of the
ATI Bill available to the public, for inclusive participation in the push for the

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