his colluders in the name of Mosho, High court judge Sunday Nkonde and the
five former workers of The defunct post newspaper Andrew Herbert Chiwenda,
Roy Habaalu, Bonaventure Bwalya, Mwendalubi Mweene and Abel Mboozi.
Tayali stated that his party was defending justice, freedom of the media and
protecting families of the workers that had lost their jobs due to the selfishness of
President Lungu and his colluders.
“These people abandoned the case of taxes which is still pending at the
Revenues Appeals Tribunal (RAT) and schemed a ploy to grab The Post for their
benefit and not what the many Zambians are made to believe.”9 The Daily
Nation Newspaper demanded for an apology as well as retraction of a news
article by the Mast newspaper, failure to which the company was to commence
legal action. In a letter addressed to the Mast dated 30th March 2017, the Nation
demanded a retraction of an article published in the Mast issue Number 0140 on
page 1 and 7 under a headline Daily Nation Lying which was attributed to
Lusaka Province Commissioner Nelson Phiri. The Daily Nation also wrote to Mr Phiri
demanding a retraction and an apology for allegedly refuting a story when, in
fact, the reporter was in possession of a recording of the interview in which he
confirmed that INTERPOL was assisting in arresting fugitive former Post newspaper
proprietor Fred M’membe.
In a letter of demand, Lawyers of the Daily Nation stated that is was their client’s
instructions that the aforesaid publication by the Mast was grossly untruthful and
constituted serious libel against their client’s reputation, hence had adversely
affected their good standing in society. “Accordingly, we demand that you
immediately cease and desist your unlawful defamation of our client and our
strict instructions are to demand, as we do now, a retraction of the said
publication and an apology to be published in your newspaper in the manner
and content to be approved by our clients within seven days of your receipt of
this letter. In the same vein that you fail to meet this demand, our client reserves
the right to pursue all available legal remedies, including seeking monetary
damages and court cases and legal fees by way of damages and injury to

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