proverbial nelsonian eye has allowed Mr Mosho to represent The Post in an
action where Mr Mosho is being challenged by The Post. How is this conceivable
at law? Judge Nkonde has to date not granted or heard any applications made
by lawyers not affiliated to the provisional liquidator, Mr Mosho, and yet almost
every application by the parties affiliated to Mr Mosho have been heard and in
most cases granted orders ex-parte. Judge Nkonde, having been made aware
that Mr Lewis Mosho is barred from appointment as a liquidator and therefore
not a fit and proper person to be provisional liquidator because he was removed
from the office of receiver in Platinum Gold Equity and Others Vs Development
Bank of Zambia 2015/HPC/0097 has refused and or neglected to deal with the
said disqualification.”4
These actions by the state, shrouded under the disguise of enforcing the law do
not auger well for a nation that is still growing its democracy. Whether the
actions are justified or not, there are all the reasons to be misconstrued for
suppression of the press. The nation has barely started to enjoy a liberal media
system and such actions reverse these gains over the years to put Zambia in a
not so good position regarding the respect and promotion of press freedom. A
liberal media landscape with plural and diverse media such as the one that was
obtaining in Zambia is ideal in a political dispensation such as Zambia’s. Several
stakeholders have continued to condemn these actions as uncalled for and
detrimental to the growth of both democracy and a free or independent press.
In this regard, it is prudent that any government’s discomfort and fear should
never override the public’s right to freedom of expression, press freedom and
right of access to information. A diverse, plural and independent media allows
for citizens to fully realise the benefits of such rights and legal provisions. This
further crowds out propagandists who thrive largely on media blackouts and
limited information channels.
Dr. Sakanya said People wanted to know feedback from the office of the Chief
Justice and the ACC, which have gone quiet on economist Dr. Cosmas
Musumali’s serious allegations against the conduct of judge Nkonde. Dr.
Musumali lodged complaints to the ACC against judge Nkonde for obtaining
4 Ibid

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