veloped a National Diploma in Journalism, which has been adopted
nationally by all tertiary institutions.
There is no adequate specialised training for radio and television.
Private training facilities are taking advantage of this fact and offer
fly-by-night training courses.
There are not enough courses to upgrade skills of mid-career practitioners, with only the two major dailies offering such opportunities.
Some media associations organise short (two to three days) courses
on specialised topics.
Individual scores:

4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3




Journalists and other media practitioners are organised
in trade unions and/or other professional associations.

There are a number of media associations and one trade union which
has not taken off officially yet. In every region there is a press club.
On a national level, there are the Eastern Africa Media InstituteUganda, Uganda Journalists Association, Uganda Journalists Union,
Uganda Media Development Foundation, Human Rights Journalists
Network, Uganda Media Women’s Association, Ankole Media Club
and many others.

African Media Barometer - Uganda 2007


Select target paragraph3