1.3 There are no laws or parts of laws restricting
freedom of expression such as excessive official
secret, libel acts, legal requirements that restrict
the entry into the journalistic profession or laws
that unreasonably interfere with the functions of
the media
The panellists agreed that Mozambique still has laws that do not comply with the
dictates of the democratic rule of law and which interfere unreasonably, even if
by mere omission, with the operation of the media. In that regard, the following
legal instruments should be highlighted:

Law of State Secrets (Law nº 12/79) which, having been approved in the
days of the single-party state is still effective, even though it is not in
conformity with a democratic and pluralist political context.


Penal Code (approved by means of Law nº 35/2014 of 31 December),
incorporating the dispositions of Law nº 19/91 – which it revokes – defining
the defamation of higher rank state personalities (such as the president of
the republic, the prime minister, ministers, deputies, superior judges etc)
and even political leaders (for instance, the presidents of political parties
with a seat in parliament) as a crime against the security of the state, which
does not conform with the principles of the democratic rule of law (of which
liberty of expression is one fundamental aspect, as enshrined in Article 3 of
the Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique).


Decree nº 40/2018 of 23 July, introduces inexplicably high taxes for the
licensing and registration of media corporations and accreditation of
national and foreign press correspondents. The aforementioned decree
was approved without the interested parties being involved or heard,
contrary to good international practices and the Mozambican law itself
on the administrative procedure and/or formation of the will of the public
administration (Law nº 14/2011 and Decree nº 30/2001).

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:










2005=n/a; 2007=n/a; 2009=n/a; 2011=n/a; 2014=2.4

Select target paragraph3