144 No. 15 of 2009]

Information and Communication
(b) ensure that the reference interconnection
offer, and its terms and conditions, and
interconnection is fair and non
discriminatory andthe interconnection fees are cost oriented and
the interconnection points are made accessible
on a transparent basis at any technically
feasible point in the network; and
(iii) the terms and conditions determined by the
Authority at the time of the offer are
incorporated within the reference
interconnection offer;

provide interconnection and ancillary information to other
licensees under the same conditions, and of the same
quality, as the licensee provides for the licensee's own
services or those of its subsidiaries, affiliates or
agreements; and
maintain the licensee's accounts in a manner that enables
the Authority to verify the licensee's compliance with
paragraph (b).
A licensee shall maintain a separate account for
interconnection and any other business activities sufficiently detailed
to allow the Authority to identify all elements of revenue and costs,
together with the basis of their calculation.
An interconnection agreement resulting from the signature
of a reference interconnection offer, shall be in writing, in English
and shall not pose an unnecessary risk—
(a) in the event of catastrophic networkbreakdown or in
exceptional cases of force majeure such as extreme
weather, earthquakes, flood, lightning or fire, to the
maintenance ofan electronic communications network used for
the provision of electronic communications
services to the public; or
an electronic communications service provided
to the public;

Select target paragraph3