Observations by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and
of Association, Clement Nyaletsossi Voule, following a visit to Zimbabwe in 2019, are critical in that regard.
The Special Rapporteur recommended the repeal of legislation that is inconsistent with the Constitution
and the exercise of fundamental freedoms.
He also said steps should be taken to ensure that all those monitoring assemblies, including journalists,
media workers and human rights defenders, are allowed to do so and are protected at all times during
assemblies and that violations are duly investigated.
It is trite to note that these violations have contributed to Zimbabwe’s low global press freedom rankings,
thereby denting the strides realised through the enactment of the Freedom of Information Act to enhance
citizens’ (including the media) right to access to information.
Some of the violations recorded in previous years involving the assault and harassment of journalists were
perpetrated by the police or during events or rallies organised by political parties, thereby placing the lives
and security of journalists at great risk. These violations also tend to increase during election periods.
It is against this background that MISA Zimbabwe in partnership with media representative organisations
under the auspices of the umbrella Media Alliance of Zimbabwe (MAZ), in February this year, embarked
on the nationwide police-media engagement meetings as part of efforts to secure a safe and conducive
operating environment for the media, prior to and beyond Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections.
Similar engagements were held with political parties, notably Zanu PF, Citizens Coalition for Change, and
the MDC-T.
We are therefore happy to report that since February this year, we have not recorded cases involving the
arrest or assault of journalists conducting their lawful professional duties by the police.
Few cases have also been reported of journalists being harassed at political meetings or rallies and it is our
hope that this positive development will endure during this election period and beyond.
In the wake of these ongoing reforms, the government has also continuously reiterated its commitment to
ensuring the safety and security of journalists. Beyond these assurances, concrete steps should be taken to
ensure perpetrators of media freedom violations are brought to book.
The safety and security of journalists is of paramount importance as they play a critical role in the enjoyment
of citizens’ right to freedom of expression and access to information.
This role, underpinned by the safety and security of media workers, is of critical importance during elections
as citizens rely on an unfettered media for credible and verifiable information to make informed choices
and decisions.


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