Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.8 (2013 = 2.4; 2010 = 3.3)

1.5 Print publications are not required to obtain permission to publish from state authorities.
In Togo, publications merely need make a declaration informing the HAAC of
their intention to publish. According to Article 14 of the Press Code, all national
publications are subject to the issue of a formal confirmation following a written
declaration, signed by the director of publications. The latter has to be a Togolese
national and not have incurred the loss of his civil and political rights. Article 15
specifies that the declaration on stamped paper should be sent in quadruplicate
to the HAAC. The declaration must include the title, language(s) and periodicity
of the publication. It should also include the name and address of the owner
and of the director of publications, the head office of the news agency and the
business name of the legal entity.
In accordance with the legal texts, the HAAC delivers a formal confirmation which
enables the declarant to publish his newspaper. This procedure takes from a week
to six months. In spite of this seemingly easy procedure, the panel is unanimous
in saying that although in theory, the HAAC calls it a declaration, practice shows
One panel member uses the expression “it depends on whether he likes the look
of you or not” to illustrate the possible difficulties confronting a declarant. This
means that formal confirmations are not automatically allocated, as they can
either be delivered speedily or very tardily according to political affinities.



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