The media practise high levels of
professional standards.
4.1 The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of accuracy and fairness.
According to members of civil society taking part in the panel, journalists are still
far from being accurate in their processing of information. Some journalists are
still at the stage of fighting and slinging insults, and because of competition, they
publish articles without checking their veracity.
One panellist noted that journalists should at the very least verify the information
they publish and have regard to professional ethics, so as not to give the
impression that journalism is still in its infancy. They demonstrate a very high rate
of verbal aggression (insults).
The most common complaints received by the HAAC against the media, are the
non-verification of facts, and the inability to prove the statements put forward.
Many journalists publish information that other people have written for them.
They practice subsistence journalism, which means that some journalists are paid
CFA francs 20,000 (USD 40) to write an article. Insults and sensationalism are
therefore sometimes linked to the pursuit of financial gain.
The panel recalled an instance of unverified information bordering on libel. It
concerned the former director general of the Office togolais des retraites (Togolese
pension bureau - OTR) who was reported to have fled after his dismissal with a
sum of CFA francs 25 billion (almost USD 45 million). During his handover period,
he not only put in an appearance, but remained in the country several days before
going abroad. According to a panellist from civil society, a journalist had written
an article about him saying that he had seen him campaigning alongside JeanPierre Fabre, from the opposition party, although he was not an activist for any
political group. When he called the editor of the newspaper, the latter responded
by saying that he had obtained the information from a source, without specifying
its nature. His reply (in application of the right of reply) was never published, but
the journalist who had written the article eventually apologized to him privately.
During an inspection visit of the Togo breweries, the Association Togolaise des
Consommateurs (Association of Togolese Consumers - ATC) said they found two
journalists there, who had been invited by the Commercial Department to cover
the visit. Three days later, the headlines of their newspapers stated that the ATC
was undermining the national economy. The panellist concluded that this kind of
journalism is akin to story-telling.



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