The way forward
1. Which changes have taken place in the media field in these past three years?
An analysis of the media environment reveals that various changes have
occurred between 2010 and 2012.
Some have been qualified as positive, notably:
• The increase and diversification of publications, radio and television
• The increase of offers of short and long term training schools
• The rejuvenation of media staff, featuring a greater gender balance,
geographical representation, but also people with disabilities
• Better access to information through the support of traditional media
and ICTs
Other changes, however, have been negative:
• The legal framework, which is still not in place, impedes the media’s
• Greater political and economic interference in the media sector
• Working conditions for journalists are more and more precarious,
exposing them to all sorts of abuse
• The failure of professional organisations to defend their own interests

2. What kinds of activities are needed over the
next two years?
• Top priority is to take the necessary actions to ensure that a legal
framework, conducive to the development of the media is adopted
• From there follows an improvement of the dire working conditions on the
one hand and the support for professional organisations to defend their
interests, on the other hand
The AMB took place on 6-8 July 2012 at Mantasoa, Madagascar.



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