few journalists, contrary to the provisions of article 46 and Law N°90-031 of 21
December 1990,get a work contract. The council of the Association (OJM), which
should have been the guarantor of this contractual obligation for the employers,
is as mentioned above, currently largely inactive.
Article 57 goes even further regarding the compulsory insurance for journalists
moving in a dangerous zone. That said, when journalists wipe off tear gas fired
by the police, they do not think too much about it.
With regards to community radio stations, the way staff is treated is somewhat
different. Salaries range between 200 000 Ariary (100 US$) for the director and
up to 150 000 Ariary (75US$) for the other positions.
There is, indeed, within these radio stations permanent staff with contracts
adapted to their working hours and assigned tasks, as well as volunteers who are
recognised on the occasion of important events.
This is not the case for public radio, where a slight improvement can be reported
since the change in status of its part-time staff, which was previously paid 200
Ariary (0.10US$)/30min per task and according to the number of hours worked.
They now have a short-term contract with a monthly salary that varies between
140 and 150 000 Ariary (75 US$)/month.
With regards to public radio management, public servants equally take home five
times more than short-term contract employees.
These changes have resulted in there being no more part-timers at ORTM but
short-term employees with contracts instead. Since 2009, in fact, the situation
of certain short-term contract employees has improved, with the possibility of
permanent employment in the public service, a promotion that could include a
doubling of the salary.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.3 (2006= n/a, 2008 = n/a, 2010 = 2.2)



Select target paragraph3