“Journalists tend to remain
respectful, polite and friendly
and this makes it difficult to
get to the bottom of issues.”

New Era and Nampa with journalists covering
government and SWAPO uncritically. In Namibia
the distinction between the government and
SWAPO is very unclear, and the terms are often
used synonymously. The editorial opinion pieces in
the New Era often tackle international rather than
local issues, “to avoid trouble”.

“When the state is the employer, either the journalists will censor themselves or the
editors will spike certain stories, such as those that are critical of the government.”
Journalists from all media houses appear to lack assertiveness when interviewing
politicians and thus fail to ask challenging questions on burning issues.
“Sometimes it is very difficult to be straightforward with politicians and elders.
Journalists tend to remain respectful, polite and friendly and this makes it difficult
to get to the bottom of issues.”
Journalists sometimes face the challenge of either reporting thoroughly and
possibly losing a valuable source, or censoring themselves and keeping the source.
Commercial radio stations tend to avoid local political news because of possible
controversy, and many of the issues they focus on are frivolous nature.
Self-censorship around political issues does not appear to be a big problem at
The Namibian. “Because The Namibian is an independent newspaper it has the
advantage of being able to be critical of, among other things, the government. It
does not have to go out of its way to make the government look good, but at the
same time it does also publish positive stories on the work of the government.”
The Namibian has been known not to deal with issues that might reflect negatively
on the publication itself. It does, however, publish letters and SMSes that are
critical of the newspaper.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score:			



2,9 (2005 = 2.5; 2007 = 2.8)

Select target paragraph3