The media practise high levels of
professional standards.
4.1 The media follow voluntary codes of professional
standards, which are enforced by self-regulatory
bodies that deal with complaints from the public.
In the past two years, serious and promising new efforts have been undertaken
to establish a self-regulatory body for the media. The Namibian Editors’ Forum
(NEF) and the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) have been working to establish a
body to deal with complaints from the public against the media.
A previous attempt in 2002 to introduce a code of ethics and a self-regulatory
mechanism failed because the media at the time were highly polarised and
editors were reluctant to come together and discuss the establishment of a media
council. Another obstacle was the fact that the process was being driven by MISA
Namibia, regarded by the state-owned media as generally antagonistic towards
the government.
This time around there is considerable ‘buy in’ by all sectors of the media, be they
state or privately owned. The new driving force is the Namibian Editors’ Forum,
formed in June 2007, which has active members from the mainstream print and
broadcast media, including NBC TV, New Era, Republikein, Allgemeine Zeitung,
The Namibian and commercial radio stations, among others.
In November 2007, the SWAPO Congress passed a resolution calling for
government to establish a media council to regulate the activities and operations
of the media. This threat of a statutory media council being instituted may have
galvanised the media into action to form an independent, self-regulatory body.
The complaints mechanism will work as follows: When members of the public
are aggrieved by something that has been broadcast or published in the media,
they will be able to approach a Media Ombudsman, who will inform the parties
involved and call them together. If the Media Ombudsman is unable to resolve
the matter, it will go before the Media Complaints Committee, which comprises
the Ombudsman plus two members of a panel established by public invitation. If
one of the parties in not happy with the outcome, there will be an appeal provision
involving a retired judge.



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