lack of equipment and this gives people the impression that the NBC is trying to
starve people of information.”
Others argued that the broadcaster was receiving sufficient funding, but that the
spending priorities may be skewed, with most of the funding going to salaries in
an institution that was overstaffed.
“Just in terms of television, One Africa has similar content to NBC: soccer, music,
‘soapies’ and news, but One Africa is funded totally by advertising and has a much
smaller staff.”
NBC TV, however, produces much more local content
than One Africa and has 10 language radio stations that
are on air 15 hours a day. Most of the radio stations are
in fact understaffed, while the infrastructure for radio has
also not been maintained and is dilapidated.

“money will rule content”

There is a sense that government has a great mistrust of the NBC and therefore
did not give it sufficient money to fulfil its mandate “for fear that it would be
squandered … by giving less money, the state also maintains tighter control over
the NBC”.
Advertisers do not exert commercial pressure on the NBC, although paidfor outside broadcasts (OBs) for companies can take precedence over own
programming. At times “money will rule content” when NBC radio services have
to focus on live, funded broadcasts, such as the opening of a new shop, rather than
issues of social and public interest.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score:			



2.2 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a)

Select target paragraph3