Broadcasting regulation is transparent
and independent; the state broadcaster
is transformed into a truly public
3.1 Broadcasting legislation has been passed
and is implemented that provides for a conducive
environment for public, commercial and community
Broadcasting legislation in Namibia provides for public, commercial and community
broadcasting. The broadcasting regulator, the Namibian Communications
Commission (NCC), has in the past granted licences to applicants from the
commercial and community sectors able to prove that they had the necessary
financial means and the skills to operate a radio or television station. The large
number of licensed radio stations in particular indicates that the NCC is indeed
attempting to provide a conducive environment for these broadcasters.
Currently, the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) does not fall within
the ambit of the regulator, “although it is the most controversial broadcaster
and doing the most important broadcasting work in the country”. The draft
Communications Bill, which is expected to be passed during 2009, contains the
clause 56. (1), which states that: “This chapter [on broadcasting services] shall
apply to the NBC or its successor-in-title in respect of broadcasting activities
carried out by that Corporation or its successor-in-title, but only if so determined
by the Minister following a public consultation.” Thus, at some point in future
the Minister may decide at his or her own discretion to place, or not to place, the
NBC under the regulator, which will be called the Communications Regulatory
Authority of Namibia.
The NCC has made some choices in terms of allocating radio frequencies that are
seemingly not in the interest of local broadcasters. In 2001, the regulator made
available the FM frequency 107.9 to Radio France Internationale. This could be
explained by the “mutually beneficial” agreement between RFI and the NBC.17
RFI has supplied millions of dollars worth of broadcasting equipment in the past



Select target paragraph3