operated in the first quarter with attention to the environment of operation and how they were
affected. Some media houses responded on time while other did not respond to the request.
3.0 Executive Summary of media events during the Second Quarter
Many discussions in the media circles in the second quarter of 2018 opened and ended with
debates around media freedom in Zambia. Media freedoms were deemed under threat following
pronouncements of new laws yet to be enacted to censor what is shared through the media. The
pronouncements such as enhancement of cyber security laws did not only threaten media
freedom, but also threatened freedom of expression. The threat on freedom of expression was
evident when a Zambia Information Communication and Technology Authority –ZICTA official
said WhatsApp group admins would be required to register with the Authority.
This presents a scenario where media practitioners are yet to face a hard time in practicing their
profession as more laws set to regulate their operation are yet to be enacted. The environment of
operation for media houses and media practitioners was tough as media houses received threats
from both cadres and government officials.
Talks surrounding the ATI continued in the second quarter with the need to review the proposed
cyber security bills being now the main concern among media advocates and practitioners. Few
comments on the ATI were highlighted in the media as the cyber security debate ensued.
The print media in the quarter under review allocated enough space in their print to publish
information likely to affect the operations of the media. Among them include the follow up on
the cyber security bills proposed by government, harassment and assault of journalists as well as
stories on the progress made on the Access to Information bill following the opening of
parliament during the first quarter of the year.
Efforts to diligently allow for all views and voices in the media continue despite threats on the
private media by cadres and government officials to reduce their criticism of government. In the
period under review, papers that published stories related to the media which were monitored in
relation to the State of the Media were, specifically the Times of Zambia, Zambia Daily Mail,
The Mast Newspaper, News Diggers and the Daily Nation.


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