In an interview yesterday, Siwale said it was unfortunate that government was
still following him around.
“They are following me; writing letters everywhere. Yesterday (Thursday) they
wrote a letter to Prime TV asking for footage for my speech. It‟s harassment
[after being released from prison] because I cannot be arrested twice for the
same offence. I cannot defame him (President Edgar Lungu) any further that is if
he has a character that I can defame. A person who steals from the dead cannot
have a character that can be defamed,” Siwale said.
But when contacted for a comment, Shawa wondered why Prime TV had been
picked to release Siwale‟s footage.
Concerns by the Parliamentary Committee on Media, Information and Communication
Technologies were raised stating that the new media had brought on board false and untraceable
news disseminators who could not be held accountable for their misdeeds33. This concern
according to the committee suggested that there was need to put in place laws that could
regulate the media.
“Challenges of media convergence include cyberspace crime, infringement of
privacy and threats on information protection. In addition, the new media era had
brought on board disseminators of news of unknown identities and no known fixed
abode who could, therefore, not be held accountable for abrogating journalism
tenets by anyone. In Zambia, the media landscape had been taken by storm by
explosion in digital technology or new technologies. This had affected the way
journalists gathered and disseminated information on one hand and how the
public consumed information, on the other. The power to communicate on a mass
scale no longer rested solely in the hands of the elite who had the capacity to
establish and operate electronic and print media houses, which had previously
been a natural barrier to participation by the general public. Currently, anyone
with access to the internet could create and share or edit theirs or another

News Diggers - Untraceable news publishers worry parliamentary committee – 18th June, 2018


Select target paragraph3