As all the horror was unfolding, the journalists helplessly and silently crammed
themselves within the vehicle.
The cadres then smashed the rear windshield and right passenger window of The
Mast Newspaper Nissan Patrol, forcing Mast reporter Oliver Chisenga to jump
out of the front seat and run for safety in the nearby grassy vicinity.
As they pulled Lungu out of the vehicle, one of them took the wheel attempting to
start the car while others searched and ransacked it. However, the cadre, who
had grabbed the car keys from Lungu, failed to start it and others were heard
taunting that self-imposed „driver‟ to use ingenuity to drive off with journalists on
“Iwe vitenge (get them); start the car, we will go with them,” said one of the
Others countered, saying: “Let us just shoot at them.”
Following the attack on journalists, MISA Zambia22, and the PF23 condemned the attack. MISA
Zambia further highlighted other instances when journalists were harassed and threatened.
We are concerned with the floods of reports of journalists‟ lives being threatened by
political party supporters, intimidation from a traditional leader and from the Office
of the President.
According to reports we have monitored, Luapula Community Radio has been
receiving demands for copies of its programmes incessantly from the office of the
President Special Division.
At the same time, a named traditional leader who was publicly campaigning for a
certain political party in 2016 has continued to intimidate sections of his community
and media workers whom he perceives to be against the political party of his

News Diggers – MISA condemns attack on journalists, 7th June, 2018

Zambia Daily Mail – PF condemn attack on journalists, 7th June, 2018


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