Nakachinda, who said he was acquitted upon appeal in the matter, charged that
the interview was a well-calculated plan to dent his image. But Kalani insisted on
his line of questioning and outrightly called Nakachinda a thief.
According to a statement of claim filed in the Lusaka High Court, Wednesday,
Nakachinda is claiming for damages from the private television station.
Nakachinda stated that Prime TV had disregarded his demands of paying him K5,
000,000 as compensation for damages and had also not apologized as requested.
4.3.2 Harassment, threats and assaults
The second quarter had about three (3) cases of harassments/assault and a number of threats.
Threats were issued by some government officials and cadres to the private media journalists.
The following are some of the cases: Assaults and attacks
The quarter under review saw a number of journalists assaulted by cadres and in some instances
by police officer who should be protecting the journalists. On 8th May, New Vision reported that
Prime TV journalist was attacked by PF cadres while on duty19.
“…Prime TV journalist is battling for his life in hospital after being harassed by
the alleged Patriotic Front carders in Chilanga while executing his duties of
informing the nation.
Comrade Muchima was humiliated, physically assaulted and embarrassed by the
alleged well known PF carders like a common criminal.
The whole fiasco happened in Chilanga district on 3rd May, 2018 during the
filling in of nominations for candidates vying for the Chilanga constituency seat.
The assault of comrade Muchima is extremely disturbing and barbaric and a
direct assault on the media fraternity in this country.”


New Vision and Kalani‟s Facebook page – Harassment of Prime TV journalist – Kalani Muchima – 8th May, 2018


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