4.2.2. Increasing usage of drone cameras
The Zambia Civil Aviation Authority regulates the operations of drones in the country. Despite
the laws being strict on drone usage in the country, a number of media practitioners, especially
those in film and photography have purchased drone cameras to enable them to capture aerial
video shots.

The increase in the number of drone cameras however can be attributed to

improving quality and falling prices of civilian drones. At the moment anyone with basic skills
can equip themselves with a civilian drone. Consumer drones are relatively cheap, precise, and
easy to operate from strategic places and equipped with cameras that can pan, tilt and capture.
The Zambia Civil Aviation Authority


should work on regulations which will accommodate

different players including the media to easily operate drones for the purposes of gathering and
disseminating news and information.
4.3 Legal and political environment
The media in the quarter under review (April – June) had few legal cases, though an increase in
the number of political cases threatening media freedom. Cases of harassment and in some
instances assaults on journalists increased than in the previous quarter. The following are the
cases that occurred in the second quarter of 2018 relating to media freedom.
4.3.1 Legal
In this quarter, 12 radio stations had their broadcasting licenses suspended for allegedly failing
to pay license fees. The IBA also revoked a license for a television station for failing to start
In a story published by Zambia Daily Mail, the 12 radio stations were being urged to observe the
laws that govern media operations in the country17.
Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) has urged media houses to adhere to
laws that guide their operations to avoid being inconvenienced with suspensions.


Drone Traveler – Drone laws in Zambia – 8th April, 2018, accessed from
Zambia Daily Mail – Stick to Laws, MISa advises Media – 8th May, 2018.


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