The Mast Newspaper of 1st June, ran an article, “ZICTA angers WhatsApp users over threats on
group admins,”8 in which the public expressed displeasure stating that WhatsApp was a private
communication platform.
Reacting to the threats, Radio and TV personality Michael Ndhlovu described the demand by
ZICTA as outrageous. Mr. Ndhlovu protested against the idea of snooping in citizens‟ private
affairs labeling the act as tyrannical and a ploy to have the citizens live in fear of an invisible
“This is unacceptable and against the human rights. This is a total tyrannical state
of affairs this country is slipping into and it‟s sad to live in fear in our own country
just because an invisible hand is scared of the unknown in WhatsApp groups. At
the time when the world is fully matured into a global village through ICTs,
Zambia through ZICTA is being drawn away from the reality of things on the
ground. First ZICTA must acknowledge that groups of WhatsApp are a private
matter hence joining being through admins. The creators of WhatsApp application
made this seamless communication tool so people can come up with communities
among them and discuss their matters,” Ndhlovu said.
According to a story published by The Mast Newspaper on 3rd June, 2018, Alliance for
Community Action Executive Director Laura Miti said government wanted to regulate private
use of social media because they want to protect their “nonsense”9.
“The only reason government would want to regulate private use of social media is
because citizens are using it effectively, to keep each other informed about the
excesses of those in power. They don‟t want us to know; don‟t want us to ask
questions. They want to be able to go off to New York and jump on a cruise using
our money, get multi-million dollar gifts in foreign countries, inflate tenders, push
violence and hatred – they want to do all that and those who find out should not be
able to let others know,” Miti stated.

The Mast Newspaper – ZICTA angers WhatsApp users over threats on group admins – 1st June, 2018
The Mast Newspaper - Govt wants to protect its „nonsense‟ using social media regulation, says Laura Miti – 3rd
June, 2018



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