are all stakeholders. There is no way that a group of people with selfish interests
can come up with a bill just to protect their interests. So we condemn that,” said
Earlier, University of Zambia Lecturer in the school of law was cited by News Diggers5
challenging the proposed cyber security bills stating that there was no need to have bills
regulating social media adding that the media in Zambia was heavily regulated.
University of Zambia Lecturer in the School of Law Sangwani Patrick Ng‟ambi says
banning social media should not be an option because the country already has
adequate laws regulating freedom of expression.
In an article titled „Social Media and Freedom of Expression in Zambia‟ presented
at the LAZ AGM last week, Ng‟ambi also noted that freedom of speech was
inextricably linked to freedom of the press.
However, government insisted that the cyber security bills would not clamp down social media,
adding that they were aimed at safe usage of social media by the public. On 15th May, 2018,
government spokesperson Dora Siliya claimed that cyber bullying had increased thus the need to
enact laws to regulate the cyber space6.
Below is an extract from News Diggers:
“Information Minister Dora Siliya says Zambians should not panic because there
is nowhere in the Internet Regulation Bill where it states that government intends
to close down social media platforms in Zambia but the bill only emphasizes
responsible use of electronic platforms.
Speaking during her weekly media briefing, Monday, Siliya said the three
proposed Internet regulation bills would ensure and guarantee safety and defence
from cyber-attacks as well as minimise vulnerabilities.


News Diggers - Freedom Of Expression Is Heavily Regulated In Zambia, No Need To Ban Social Media – Lawyer
– 12th April, 2018
News Diggers - Internet Regulation Laws Will Not Clamp Down On Social Media-Dora – 15th May, 2018


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