SECTOR 2 2.8 All media fairly reflect the voices of society in its ethnic, linguistic, religious, political and social diversity. Diversity of voices in the media varies from one media house to the next. “There are attempts to reach more people and therefore to be more diverse, but it is always a question of money.” It is difficult for the print media to reflect all voices fairly, as there are so many ethnic groups. The NBC does a good job, however, as do community broadcasters. But commercial radio does not. “It’s a matter of cost. If you can afford to have correspondents around the country, then you can afford diversity.” In this regard, the state-run Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA), which should have correspondents countrywide, has not been very effective. Christian views are predominant throughout the media. “The media acts as if there is no other religion on Namibia.” Different media cater for different groups of Christians, defined both by denomination and by race. Some media try to cater for different language groups. New Era provides coverage in five languages, while The Namibian publishes in two languages. The NBC has language services that cater to most language groups. Panellists felt that certain groups are marginalised by the media, noting the examples of people living with HIV, and sexual minorities. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator. 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 2.5 (2005: n/a; 2007: n/a; 2009: n/a) AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER NAMIBIA 2011 37