SECTOR 2 2.5 Adequate competition legislation/regulation seeks to prevent media concentration and monopolies. Both the 2009 Communications Act, which applies to electronic media, and the 2008 Competition Act, which applies to all media, seek to protect against monopolies. However, in practice, Namibia has concentrations of media ownership, which were operating before these Acts came into force. Democratic Media Holdings (DMH) owns three newspapers, a radio station, and the country’s main newspaper printing press. DMH is partly owned by Media 24, which is a subsidiary of the South African media conglomerate Naspers. Furthermore, the daughter of one of DMH’s owners is married to the owner of One Africa TV, who also owns an advertising agency, a film production company and a publishing company. Through its business arm - Kalahari Holdings - the ruling Swapo party publishes and owns a majority shareholding in a newspaper, the digital satellite TV provider MultiChoice Namibia (broadcasters of DSTV), a radio station, a printing press and an Internet service provider. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator. 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 34 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER NAMIBIA 2011 3.6 (2005: 2.3; 2007: 2.1; 2009: 2.7)