1.7 Civil society in general and media lobby groups actively advance the cause of
media freedom.

An increasing number of civil society groups are getting involved in the promotion of
press freedom, for example by issuing solidarity declarations or organising events that
call for more freedom of the press in the country. Radio Ecclesia, e.g., has enjoyed
much solidarity in actions to pressure the government to allow the expansion of its
services to the rest of the country.
A number of activities involve journalists and members of NGOs in events that promote
press freedom. There are plans to create a network to integrate journalists and civil
society in order to work for the promotion of press freedom.
Opportunities for study outside the country organised by embassies in Angola and by
international organisations are another measure to promote press freedom and freedom
of speech. This has contributed to enhancing the performance of journalists, but above
all it leads to a greater awareness of their rights and therefore to a stronger fight in
defence of the profession.
Individual scores:

2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 4, 3, 2

Average score:


Overall score for sector 1:



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