defined the competencies and responsibilities of such an agency that could come into
being in future.
Individual scores:

2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1

Average score:



The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of accuracy and fairness.

In general, there is little evidence that news articles are independent and sufficiently
accurate. In the various opinion pieces, especially in private newspapers, news tend to
be sensationalised, which is the opposite of the strictness and independence that one
would expect of news articles. There is, however, a clear effort to raise the standards of
journalism to this level. A small group of senior journalists are getting closer to these
Individual scores:

3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2

Average score:



The media cover the full spectrum of events, issues and cultures, including
business/economics, cultural, local and investigative stories.

There is a shortage of means to enable the complete coverage of the country, given its
large size. For this reason, many aspects of the life of communities far removed from
the centres are not covered in the press. Given the many cultures of the peoples who
inhabit Angola, it is not possible to cover everything. However, there is an increasing
effort of the media to expand coverage to the most remote areas now that peace makes
this possible. As for investigative journalism, the same problem of lack of means and
resources to sustain the high costs of information gathering applies. In addition, many
journalists lack the required skills to go into investigative journalism.


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