There are no major incentives to promote the diversity of the media or to enable the
creation of more media outlets. Even though the Press Law and other legislation
guarantee the freedom to set up media outlets, in practice there is a government
concern that media outlets could flood the market. At present, there are still backlogged
applications awaiting approval (some going back 7 years) for the establishment of radio
stations, still without the green light from the governmental bodies in charge. The
Broadcasting Act in force confers on the State the sole right to broadcast over
shortwave. For the same reason, no community radio project has been given the goahead to operate. Rádio Ecclésia faces the same problem and is still unable to
broadcast to the whole country on shortwave.
Individual scores:

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Average score:



Government promotes a political and economic environment which allows a
diverse media landscape.

The political environment that could promote diversity of the media still leaves much to
be desired. In the recent past, many journalists faced police sanctions and had to
answer in court for publishing certain materials. Although the situation tends to change
in a positive direction, the environment for the free exercise of journalism remains
flawed since laws such as the State Secrets Act and the Act on National Security are
not clear on what can and cannot be published. This state of affairs prevails despite
regional and international conventions designed to gradually reduce the monopoly of
the state media and calling for more freedom of the press.
Individual scores:

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Average score:


2.10 Private media outlets operate as efficient and professional businesses.


Select target paragraph3