“The policy is there, and it is a very good policy, but it is generally not known.
Even the current ICT minister seems ignorant about it and the implementation is
very poor.”
An Information and Media Development Department has been established to
create an enabling environment for the development of information technologies
in the country. The creation of this enabling environment is meant to benefit
the Swazi people, but currently it only appears on paper, and is not being
“There is no political will to do this in Swaziland. It seems to be deliberate, as a
way of keeping citizens in the dark about what is really happening.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.9 (2005: n/a; 2007: n/a; 2009: 4.0; 2011: 2.5)

2.12 Government does not use its power over the
placement of advertisements as a means to interfere
with editorial content.
The government is a very big player in the Swazi economy, and is the biggest
advertiser. It is known to use its power to withhold advertising from publications
considered non-supportive of the state, and to threaten to withdraw its advertising
in an effort to get publications to ‘toe the line’ politically.
Such directives tend to be unofficial and verbal, as happened with the Times a few
years ago when government adverts were withdrawn from the paper because it
was considered to have an anti-government editorial slant. Currently, the Nation
is facing this situation, and does not receive any direct government advertising,
although it does receive adverts from public enterprises.
The government recently instituted new restrictions on public service
announcements on the SBIS radio channels. In order to submit such an
announcement to SBIS, individuals must first get permission from their chief to



Select target paragraph3