1.4 The Government makes every effort to honour
regional and international instruments on freedom of
expression and freedom of the media.
Although the Swazi government has ratified and acceded to all regional and
international instruments on freedom of expression and freedom of the media,
it has failed to domesticate them. The Declaration of Principles on Freedom of
Expression in Africa, adopted by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’
Rights (ACHPR) in 2002, for example, calls for the independence of the press, but
this is still not guaranteed in Swaziland.
“As far as the Windhoek Declaration goes, we are not even 10 percent towards
implementing these stipulations. Government does not give a damn about it.”
Participants felt that government was able to get away with not domesticating
these instruments, because it fails to this disseminate information to the general
populace and, in effect, is “keeping them in the dark”.
“Even recommendations Swaziland has accepted as part of the Universal Periodic
Review (UPR) promising to promulgate legislation to ensure media freedom, have
not been domesticated.”
In this regard, mention was made of the banned democracy movement/opposition
party, the People’s United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO).
“How do we as journalists report about PUDEMO, for example, without being
seen to be supporting them, in contravention of the Suppression of Terrorism
In terms of reporting to international bodies such as the ACHPR, and
demonstrating that such instruments have been domesticated, panellists said
there was resistance from the state to doing this “because of accountability”.
“Even shadow reports, meant to be united country reports from civil society, are
not true shadow reports but are pre-empted by the state.”



Select target paragraph3