LESOTHO DETAILED FINDINGS 1. LAND ADMINISTRATION AUTHORITY CATEGORY 1: WEBSITE www.laa.org.ls The website is interactive, comprehensive and offers up-to-date information as well as insight into the organisation. The organisation is active on social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter) and frequently posts information and updates. n = 20 Yes No Partial Additional information Does the website contain the following: 1. Up-to-date information? X 2. A description of the organisation’s powers and structure, as well as its functions and responsibilities? X 3. A list of laws, acts, etc, issued within the scope of its powers? X 4. Copies of reports, policies or programmes? X 5. Information on budget and expenditure? X 6. Information about procurement procedures or signed contracts? X 7. Information about vacancy and employment procedures? 8. The address, telephone number, and working hours of the organisation? X 9. The contact details of specific public officials? X 10. A mechanism to request and receive responses to electronic messages and requests for information? X X Total score: 18/20 CATEGORY 2: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION A request for the following information was sent to Land Administration Authority (LAA): y 4 Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, what has been its impact on: ¾ The daily or basic functions of your organisation? ¾ The information dissemination? ¾ Have there been any reported cases amongst members of staff or their close contacts? ¾ To what extent could you say that LAA is responsive to the public’s access to information needs? ¾ Do you have a public response/feedback platform through which to assess the public’s views about your organisation? ¾ Do you have active cyberspace platforms – website, social media (such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram), for people to access information about your services? If so, how effective are they? If not, why? ¾ Do you have a sense of, or idea as to whether, the public is satisfied by the service received from LAA? ¾ On a scale of 1-10, how efficient is LAA in serving the public?