with the media continues being constrained,
as the government grapples to contain the
insurgency and conflict in Mozambique’s northern
province of Cabo Delgado.
To this day there has been no substantive inquiry
into the forced disappearance of Ibraimo Mbaruco
despite repeated requests to President Felipe
Nyusi by regional, continental and international
media freedom advocacy organisations to
conduct a thorough investigation.

By Ernesto Saul Nhapanze



Encompassing this, is the culture of impunity
that makes the practice of independent
journalism difficult.
During the period under review authorities
failed to investigate growing cases of violations
targeting journalists.

OZAMBIQUE like most southern
African countries’ independence was
ushered in by a liberation struggle.

While media violations dropped to 11 reported
cases in 2022 from 23 the year before, journalists
continue to operate in an environment engulfed
by fear and intimidation.

Typical of most countries whose
independence came through revolutionary
movements, the relationship between authorities
and the media has often been an uneasy one.

As the country heads towards local elections in
2023 and general elections in 2024, there has
beena noticeable shrinkage in the country’s civic

Over the last few years, the tenuous relationship

This closure dates back to the tenure of former


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